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The Law

A series of informative classes and discussions

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You can help shape and influence the law, for good. By learning about the law, how it functions and operates, and how it is made, you can become capable of helping shape America.

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Ultimately, we believe that, through learning, each American is empowered to better influence and shape the laws that help our country operate at its highest potential and that preserve liberty for our future generations.

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We offer classes, discussions, and presentations on the law that delve into the heart of subjects that are important in your daily life. Each is intended to help the law become more accessible to you.

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The classes and discussions are taught and led by Austin Hepworth, an attorney that has worked in many areas of law, including constitutional law, has helped draft legislation, and has worked with a wide variety of clients and industries.

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For example, we may explore data privacy, big tech, and the surrounding issues and concerns. Or, we may delve into understanding health care and the laws at play.

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We hope that you can join us! Your knowledge, skills, and experience can help others to more fully understand the law and how it impacts us each day. By participating, you can gain the skills necessary to be an influence, for good.

Image by Samuel Branch
Constitution Law Series

Constitution Law Series

The US Constitution provides the basis for our freedoms.

Learning from case law and the past, present, and future trends

of constitutional interpretation will enable you to be a force

for good in America.

The classes are taught by constitutional attorney Austin Hepworth. Respect of all opinions is required, but opinions may be challenged to help participants learn to articulate their beliefs and understand the beliefs of others.

Classes will review actual cases and court decisions and will help participants understand the legal underpinnings to the cases. The competing issues will be discussed to help participants understand the issues in depth and gain an appreciation for the role they play in shaping the principles that guide our nation.

If you would like to arrange for a presentation near you, please contact us and we can schedule for Austin to travel to you and your group to present and further discuss the issues.

Current Classes


Thursday January 11 6:30 p.m.

Freedom of Religion and its Current Constitutional State

Thursday February 8 6:30 p.m.

Thursday March 14 6:30 p.m.

Thursday April 11 6:30 p.m.

Thursday May 9 6:30 p.m.

Thursday June 13 6:30 p.m.

Thursday July 11 6:30 p.m.

Thursday August 8 6:30 p.m.

Thursday September 12 6:30 p.m.

Thursday October 10 6:30 p.m.

Thursday November 7 6:30 p.m.

Thursday December 5 6:30 p.m.


All discussions are currently scheduled at the Law Offices of Pearson Butler

1802 South Jordan Parkway

South Jordan, UT 84095

First Floor

No RSVP Necessary - All are welcome to attend!

Utah State Capital.jpg

Utah Legislative Review

Stay informed during the 2024 legislative session in Utah! Starting in January, we will be meeting online to review proposed legislation.

In Utah, your involvement goes a long way in shaping the law.

Image by Brandon Mowinkel

You Can Make a Difference

As our government is a Republic, your involvement matters. You are a powerful voice that can help to shape our laws, state, and country, for good. Participation in the online reviews and discussions is free, so please join us!


Register here for the Legislative Review Discussions, Beginning in January 2024!

After you register, you will receive a link to join the discussions. Each discussion will take place during the session on Thursday evenings at 6:30 P.M. starting on January 18, 2024. The discussions will be held as an online meeting on the Microsoft Teams app. All discussions will be recorded and made available online for those that cannot make it to review at a later time.

If you participate in the online discussions, you will be able to ask questions and guide which bills are discussed. Since there is not enough time to cover every possible bill, participating will help in getting to bills that are of more importance to you. As you learn about bills, you will have the ability to communicate more effectively and persuasively to help shape how voting goes on the bills of concern to you.

After registering, it may take up to a week for us to send the registration link to you.


We require that all participants remain civil and respectful. We highly encourage the sharing of opposing ideas, but we do not permit name calling, derogatory remarks, or other forms of negativity that bring a negative feel. We may revoke access to any participant at any time, and some discussions may not take place at a set time depending on court or other scheduling conflicts that may arise for the presenter. 

Utah Legislative Review
Thanks for registering! You will receive an email with additional information soon.
Utah Legislative Review Registration

Copyright 2021 - Present

By Believe First, LLC

Use of this site or submission of any information does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not rely on any information contained herein as legal advice for your situation.

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